Monday, November 16, 2009

Curiosity, Race, Abortion, and Young People. Neh?

I wrote two questions in my notebook this morning.
1) How do you drive curiosity?
2) How do you inspire drive?

Last week I delivered, which will probably be the most significant achievement I will have made in my volunteering experience here: Microsoft Word and Excel training. Although I've been spending most of my time trying to come up with alternative funding strategies, and developing a new tool/process to track HIV/AIDS service organizations in Namibia - ie: high-level stuff, the thing that seems to be the most valuable here, is support on basic technical assistance.

Two things (of note) struck me while I was conducting the training:

1) There's a thirst for this type of knowledge. My colleagues see the immediate benefit of creating a graph in excel, or using ctrl+x or ctrl+v, and once they've been shown it, they adopt to it very quickly.
2) This thirst of knowledge does not lend it self to an innate sense of curiosity. So much of learning is driven by your willingness to play around till you figure it out yourself. I found that several times during training, if someone couldn't complete the exercise, they would just sit there till I came around and helped them. I couldn't find that sense of desire to explore and just try for the sake of trying.

So..where does it stem from? A so-so education system? An incredibly low pay scale - why go the extra mile if you're only paid about $3-4000 USD a year? A segregated colonial past that reprimanded black Namibians who excelled and were natural leaders? But that's the older generation - I would like to think I shouldn't see that from the younger generation - but perhaps that urge/desire to self-help and initiate is not passed on to the younger generation as much. And of course, I'm talking on broad/general terms - I've come across quite a few very bright young Namibians.

But these two observations is what prompted my first question - how do you drive curiosity. And let me clarify - education is very much a priority here - for all Namibians it seems. I think everyone I met, no matter if their 22 or 62, they're all in school part time pursuing a Master's or a PHD or something (makes me feel quite inadequate with my lonely bachelor's degree) - but its that sense of 'wait, let me try to figure this out first, before i ask for help', that I haven't seen so much. Self-help? I dunno.

And, I know, I'm only here for 2 months so far, so granted, my observations are based on limited scope, but this is what I've gathered from my experience and from what I've learned/heard from others. I was talking to a lady at the grassroots organization I'm working with, and she was telling me that her number one challenge, wasn't finding funding, but was finding good resources. She and her husband are both expats, and recognize that in order to make their org a truly sustainable org, they need to build up local Namibians to take the reigns. But the second they find someone good, and build them up and train them, the employee leaves to get a higher paying job. And why wouldn't they? In a country with only 2million people, the few that are really good will of course go to the high paying jobs. So for everyone else, what's holding you to a skills-building office job that pays the same as selling soap in a local store?

Some folks I've discussed this with, have said they have found its a sense of entitlement...I don't think its that. Perhaps its complacency? I don't know - this blog might come off a tad controversial and politically incorrect, especially if I'm not explaining myself correctly.
I'm blabbering I know..but this is all a first for me. The multi-dimensional challenges of development. And, given that my job as a consultant has pampered me even more - when I fly in, my clients are ready to hit the ground running - meetings are setup, and that's that. Getting everyone to come to a meeting goodness its painstaking. First off, everyone's always travelling, going for field visits (that's because their Per Diem is more than their salary). Secondly, getting people to make a decision...even more painstaking. And finding ownership - finding someone to take the reigns. It's a challenge. Oh..and apparently it's quite hard to fire someone here - lot of legal fees associated with it. So, as a result, you have a group of intelligent, highly educated individuals with great job security, but very low salaries, that are not challenged - so why initiate projects/ideas?

Let me transition to a slightly different topic: race. Wow. Never have I seen it so prominently highlighted. Blacks, Whites, Coloureds, Germans, Afrikaans, Hereros, Ovambos, Damaras, Basters. Yea...the girls in my office were talking about taking me out one night, and I said, oh, will it be safe for me (since they were talking about going to a not so nice area, and I thought I would stand out), and they were like, nah, you look like a Baster, so you'll be fine. Wha...she called me a whaaaa? Of course, in my ear, I added the 'd' at the end of the word so was very confused why these sweet girls were calling me such a thing. But no, they said I looked a Baster - the descendents of a group of immigrants from the Cape of mixed Afrikaans (ie: Dutch) and Khoikhoi (ie: African origins). The name 'Baster' comes from the Dutch word for 'basterd' or 'crossbreed'. While some consider it demeaning, the Basters have taken ownership of the term as part of their history. Wowzers, neh? (So another thing, Namibians use 'neh' like Canadians use 'eh' - so its quite an easy tranisition for me)...

Ok...another topic change: for a while now, I've been meaning to write about this wonderful group of young people I had the good fortune to meet a few weeks ago. My brother-in-law volunteers at this youth group called Young Achievers. It's a group of kids in Katatura (which in Herero, means: "The place where people do not live"), that get together every Saturday - its completley self-organized and self-run by the young kids who participate in it. There's no incentive to go there (no food, or anything) but about 20 or so kids get together to build each other up. There are a few adults that got there to help advise, but the youths mediate the entire session. Its so incredibly inspiring to see these young kids get together, open up the meeting with saying what their vision is and what they did this week and what they plan to do next week to get them to their vision. I came in to give a 'talk', and loved every second of it. The highlight was the debate they had. They picked the topic - the nomiated topic of debate: abortion. Yea, abortion. Not, Hannah Montana versus Jonas Brothers, but abortion. These kids run from ages...probably 8 or 9 to 22. I think it was the 13 year old who suggested the abortion topic.
So the kids put them selves randomly into two groups - a pro and a con, identified their points, and then one at a time, they would make their arguments. Granted, their facts and knowledge about abortion was skewed and limited (as a result, I think they're trying to find a MD as the next guest lecturer to give them some proper medical facts) but their arguments were so incredibly impassioned...There was one kid who was great - he was like a preacher-slash-lawyer...great charisma. It was just hilarious to see these kids go at each other's arguments. The fascinating thing for me, was to see that the argument for/against centred around religious values (not surprsing) and the impact on society (surprising). Essentially, the argument for 'for abortion' was that if this isn't an option for poverty stricken areas where children are not wanted, then the population will increase in poorer areas, and that will be a burden on the entire society. Interesting, neh? The argument in the Western world is typically more of an individualistic sense - this is MY right for MY body. It was refreshing to see these kids with a different perspective give such a passionate debate.

Anyways...these kids were very bright, and just were soaking up what ever advise I had to offer (which was why I was nervous about giving the talk beforehand...I mean, I haven't figured out what my vision is yet myself and i'm almost 29) - but I talked about the importance of education, taking whatever internship you can get your hands on to build up your skills, and that its okay to have multiple dreams. Well I sure hope it is.

Okay..that's all for now...Next week I'm hoping to head over to Cape Town, so hopefully I'll be back with travel stories and photos...but I hope you enjoyed my random cultural observations from my more daily activities. Got to be a good Namibian now and get me some Rooibos tea.
till next time, neh?

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